
Vodec CEO Steve Hodapp
Thank you for visiting our web site. Whether you’re on a mission, looking for information or you accidentally landed here, please take a few minutes for a deeper dive. You will learn about the diverse services we provide. We have something for nearly everyone with a developmental disability. We can help you:
- Find and retain community employment
- Sharpen your work skills through our pre-vocational service
- Provide you with daytime activities to keep you engaged
- Secure residential services with only the supports you need
Are you looking on behalf of someone? I hope it would bring you comfort to know we have well-trained, compassionate, caring and responsible staff members. Our physical facilities and vehicles are maintained in safe and clean condition.
You should know our services have appropriate and desired accreditations, including CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) and certifications in Iowa and Nebraska. This means what we do meets the highest standards and expectations of our industry. We are also recognized for our achievements. For example, our Iowa supported employment achievements were ranked #1 (best in Iowa) in 2018 by the Iowa Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services!
Take a look around the website. Schedule a live tour. Get to know us. You will like what you see. Thank you, again, for visiting. I hope we meet soon.
– Vodec CEO Steve Hodapp