Our story began more than 50 years ago.
Nov. 14, 1968 | Vodec Opens in Council Bluffs
Vodec first opened as the Vocational Development Center, Inc. (Vodec) in Council Bluffs in 1968, thanks to a determined and persistent group of families, elected officials and local organizers who saw a need for vocational options for their family members with disabilities.

Jan. 1, 2000 | Addition of Residential Services
In 2000, a local residential service provider’s board of directors approached Vodec to take over its operation. Vodec accepted, and that’s how our residential services began.

Jan. 1, 2003 | Expansion of Services into Nebraska
In 2002, a gentleman from Nebraska came to Vodec. He had friends who attended services in Council Bluffs and wanted to as well. The problem: he was a Nebraskan, and we were not certified to serve Nebraskans at the time. We then obtained certification to work with Nebraskans who wanted to travel to Iowa for services. Shortly thereafter, we obtained certification to provide services in Nebraska.

July 1, 2003 | Launch of Day Habilitation Services
In 2003, several students with severe and multiple disabilities were graduating from high school. Their parents approached Vodec with a request to start a non-employment day habilitation program for their graduating students. With their help and the assistance of a third-party facilitator, Vodec opened its Elm Program in Omaha.

April 1, 2016 | Expansion into Central Iowa
Vodec expanded into Central Iowa in the spring of 2016. Today, it provides day services at its Urbandale development center.

Jan. 20, 2020 | Community-Based Employment Program for Students Launches
Vodec’s Adult Transition Program (ATP) in Council Bluffs launched Today’s Skills, Tomorrow’s Workforce, a new community-based employment program for ATP students. ATP is designed to meet the needs of students with mild or moderate intellectual disabilities between the ages of 18 and 21. The program helps them develop the skills necessary for daily living, including practical money management, how to get and keep a job, and preparing nutritious meals, among others.

June 8, 2020 | ATP Summer School Launches
Vodec’s Adult Transition Program (ATP) in Council Bluffs launched its first ever summer school for ATP students.