May 2021 Virtual Vodec After Hours Course Registration Participant Name Age Email address Cell Phone Are you a Vodec consumer? Are you a Vodec consumer? Yes No Please enter your 5-digit zip code. I want to participate in the following courses (check all that apply): I want to participate in the following courses (check all that apply): Vodec Chefs (Mondays | 5 to 6pm) Movie Mondays (Mondays | 6 to 8pm) Drawing Basics - Drawing and Design (Tuesdays | 6 to 7pm) WhyArts (Wednesdays | 6 to 7 pm) Mind/Body Wellness (Thursdays | 4:30 to 5:30pm) Explore Our World (Saturdays | 10 to 11am) Spring Fling Dance (May 20 | 6 to 8pm) Food restrictions/allergies Will you be paying by cash or check? Will you be paying by cash or check? Cash Check I understand Vodec will use my first name only to protect my privacy. I also understand I will be participating with individuals unknown to me in order to expand my social interactions with others. I understand Vodec will use my first name only to protect my privacy. I also understand I will be participating with individuals unknown to me in order to expand my social interactions with others. Yes I would like to receive e-news from Vodec. I would like to receive e-news from Vodec. Yes No Submit