Host Homes in Iowa and Extended Family Homes in Nebraska are very similar. Both enable a consumer to experience a family setting in full community inclusion. The family which is the Host Home or Extended Family Home accept the consumer as part of the household. The relationship out of this arrangement is win-win.

Plus the family providing the environment for the consumer is paid a fee. Typically this is part of the arrangement between the family and a community resource provider (CRP).

The CRP may be a not-for-profit organization which provides or arranges services for persons with disabilities. In Nebraska and Iowa one such provider is the Vocational Development Center, also known as VODEC.

VODEC was founded as work center in 1968 by families of persons with disabilities in Council Bluffs, IA. Today VODEC provides a variety of employment programs, residential services and day habilitation opportunities focusing on enhancing consumers’ community inclusion. For more information about Host Homes and Extended Family Homes, or about VODEC please call 712-328-2638 or email

Steve Hodapp, CEO