AmeriHealth Caritas Headquarters building in Des Moines, Iowa. The company has opted out of its role as MCO in the Hawkeye State, effective December 1, 2017.
Council Bluffs, Iowa | November 8, 2017 — The Iowa Association of Community Providers (IACP) has confirmed that ALL current AmeriHealth Caritas members will be re-assigned to United Health Care as of December 1st. AmeriHealth Caritas has pulled out of its agreement to be an Iowa MCO, effective November 30th.
This announcement will make part of the transition much easier, but doesn’t change any of the rest of our advice to our consumers.
Iowa Health Link officials have been mailing reassignment letters all week. As SOON as you receive your letter, please contact United Health Care to confirm “authorization to continue services.” This permission needs to be reflected in your file for Vodec to provide services.
We ask everyone we serve to NOT change their MCO from United Health Care until that company has verified you have authorization to continue services on file. This will prevent authorizations from being delayed as Health Link officials complete this massive move.
Details are still changing rapidly, and this information is still subject to change at any time. Our public communication will always be primarily through our website; www.vodec.org. You can get alerts by “liking” our Facebook page.
If you would like to receive updates via text, please make sure we have an accurate cell phone number for you by leaving a voicemail at 712.328.2638, extension 105. Make sure you announce which consumer you are receiving information of behalf of, and repeat your number slowly and clearly at least twice.
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